
Guide by silent_hero

This is a basic tutorial/guide to becoming good at stronghold multiplayer, follow these steps and you may find succes!:] also don’t be afraid to experiment and to find your own strategy type.

1st step: Build marketplace and granary:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 1


2nd step: Set rations to +8 and taxes to -8, then build 1 apple farm and 6 woodcutters:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 2


3rd step: Sell iron and stone, and move your stockpile here:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 3


4th step: Spend all you gold for wood, and build 5 hovels:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 4


5th step: Buil many applefarms (20 should be enough for a start)

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 5


6th step: sell apples, buy wood, build more woodcutters and more apple farms.

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 6


7th step: always remember to sell apples, keep trading, now you should �have enough gold to start weapon production, build fletchers and �poleturners as shown below:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 7


8th step: Remember to keep selling apples and expanding your production, try to take over opponent’s hills:

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 8


9th step: When you are rich enough start smelting iron, and train more advanced troops like pikemen, macemen or knights.

stronghold guide tutorial screenshot 9

Good game!



Spearmen are basic units, they are very cheap and fast to train, fairly strong against knights but weak against, macemen.


Spearmen vs macemen stronghold

1 Pct. Spearmen crushed by macemen.


Macemen are strong against spearmen and pikemen, but will be cut down like butter by knights 2 Pct.


macemen vs knights stronghold

2 Pct. Macemen being cut by knights.


Pikemen are weak against macemen, but strong against knights 3 Pct.


pikemen vs knights stronghold

3 Pct. Pikemen holding their ground.


Swordsmen are strong agains everyone, but are very slow, so…


swordsmen vs crossbowmen

4 Pct. Crossbowmen destroying swordsmen.